
育空,好 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

查找手机版下载出售在育空,俄克拉何马州和搜索育空,OK房地产和手机版下载. 也浏览止赎,公寓 & 带下载巴黎人贵宾厅app Oklahoma的联排别墅.


  • 奥黛丽贝克
    成立于1891年, 育空地区有一个迷人的历史植根于奇泽姆小径和俄克拉荷马土地运行. From its early pioneer days to becoming a thriving city, 育空河 preserves its Western heritage with pride. 准备探索历史的魅力和庆祝独特的遗产,定义了这个充满活力的社区! #育空河OK #PioneerSpirit #CityWithHistory
  • 奥黛丽贝克
    1017,上升了29.8 %

    201个家庭增加了1个.7 %

    63天减少了22天.2 %
  • 布莱恩·伍德沃德
    保持你的食欲! 由威基联邦信用合作社主办的第22届育空年度品味将于周四举行, 3月23日, 从下午5:30开始.m. 到晚上7:30.m. 戴尔·罗伯逊中心. 在这个令人垂涎的活动中, 20多家当地餐馆的招牌菜,让你的味蕾发痒. 从开胃菜到主菜再到甜点,味道的育空保证满足你的饥饿. 育空的味道 is geared toward adults; however, all ages are welcome! For safety reasons, strollers should be left at home.

    Tickets are available at the 育空河 Community Center, Jackie Cooper健身房, 戴尔·罗伯逊中心. Advance tickets will be on sale for $10 for adults and $7 for children under 10. Tickets on the day of the event are $12 for adults and $10 for children. No discount tickets will be sold on the day of the event. This is a tasting event—to-go containers are not allowed.
  • 下次你在俄克拉何马州育空地区66号公路上的时候,停下来在Hynson's买个汉堡吧. Friendly staff and tasty burgers 和更多的! Make sure to try one of their in-house sauces. 你以后会感谢我的.
  • 克里斯蒂娜Moosavi
    If you have not checked this place out yet, it is a must-try! 这里的食物又新鲜又好吃. 这部分是用来分享的! They are located at 1603 Garth Brooks Blvd, 育空,好 73099. 去看看吧.
  • 高管唐尼Woodard
    育空是一个不断发展的社区,紧邻40号州际公路,方便前往俄克拉荷马城, 埃德蒙, 和更多的. 这个城市的学校评价很高, too many options of restaurants to mention, 购物, 还有更多. 如果你想住在俄克拉荷马城外,那么育空地区值得一游.
  • Gone are the days of Starbucks being your only coffee option 在育空. 就在最近几年, 育空地区获得了《手机版下载》, Vacca Coffehouse, 红鸟咖啡屋, 夏日月亮咖啡, 喝咖啡的混蛋! 好像这还不够似的, 目前在Vandament和Garth Brooks大道上正在建设一个全新的Dutch Bros. Coffee expected to be up and running by late 2021, early 2022. 让我们尽自己的一份力量,缩短星巴克的排队时间,并尝试育空地区提供的一种(或多种)新的咖啡业务.
  • This beautiful park lines the Mulvey Pond in Central 育空河. 穆尔维池塘还有另外两个公园,奇泽姆步道公园和自由步道公园. 这些公园举办许多社区活动,如每年的儿童节, 公园里一年一度的圣诞节, 一年一度的青少年钓鱼比赛, 以及一年一度的自由节. This beautiful area is a nature lover's paradise. There is a designated area to bird watch, 有很多鸭子和鹅要喂, 当地的捕鱼, and walking trails that are lined with mature trees. 每年的圣诞节,公园里的大树上都挂着500多万盏圣诞彩灯. 这里有超过100英亩的圣诞彩灯和异想天开的节日展览可供观赏.

    During the warmer months you may want to take advantage of the playgrounds; one of which is an award-winning 障碍-accessible playground, 网球场, 排球场, 或者社区游泳池. 育空社区中心与相邻的三个公园位于同一场地. The 育空河 Community Center has basketball courts, 游戏室, and a weight room accessible to 育空河 residents. Don't forget to come out to the annual Freedom Fest on July 3rd and 4th. There are tons of activities, food, and performances lined up for all ages.

    在公园参加自由节和圣诞节是我们家的传统. 无论我的孩子多大,他们总是期待着这两件事!
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about 育空河.
    Pawtopia is a wonderful, local pet supply store 在育空. They opened their doors on October 15, 2015. Their passion is animals and rescue animals. You can see that each time you step in. They have grown their pet supply store to what it is today.

    现在有两个地点,一个在育空(335 S 野马Rd),一个在诺曼(360 24 Ave NW)。. 他们努力以可承受的价格为社区提供最好的整体,天然食品. 他们有一个独特的“咀嚼吧”,里面充满了天然的咀嚼物,还有一个自助洗浴区,这两个都很受欢迎. Two precious kitties welcome you into the store and are quite friendly. You can really feel they love their customers and the community. I definitely recommend this store for all of your pet needs.
  • 布莱恩•奥尔
    小吃攻击是育空地区最新的餐厅之一,提供各种小吃,从冰淇淋到玉米粉蒸肉, 墨西哥卷饼和水果水. 零食攻击位于336 S. 野马Rd. 在育空. 快来看看吧.
  • 在这个地方,美味的冰淇淋和美味的咖啡会吸引你的味蕾. 在历史悠久的66号公路上,令人愉快的工作人员为这个美味的站点增添了体验. 感谢Mike Gray, 瓦卡领地乳品公司的共同所有人, 感谢你讲述了制作令人惊叹的冰淇淋的漫长过程,让年轻人和老年人都喜欢.
  • 育空河 has a rich history of residents connected to the Czech Republic. This community keeps this heritage alive! 它有一个历史悠久的购物中心,餐馆和创意创业公司. Beautiful historic homes are scattered in walking distance of Main Street.
  • 布莱恩·伍德沃德
    这是正确的. Professional soccer is coming to 育空河. 不要错过2016年4月2日周末主场揭幕战的机会. They will play all of their home games at Miller Stadium - 育空河 High School. Rayo OKC is a member of the National American Soccer League. 他们被认为是二级联赛球队,仅次于美国职业足球大联盟. 他们有5名球员曾代表球队参加过世界杯,9名球员曾代表各自的国家队参加过比赛.
  • 《巴黎人贵宾厅》做了一项伟大的服务,从当地的动物收容所拯救动物,让它们快乐健康,直到它们找到永远的家. 工作人员非常友好,会和你一起工作,确保为你找到合适的动物.

    在六个星期的时间里,我拜访了他们几次,才找到了最适合我们家的狗. MacGyver has been a great addition to the family! They were very helpful in matching us with not only the right dog, 但是有兽医和寄宿服务.

    They are open seven days a week from 12:00 to 5:30 p.m. 如果你正在考虑一个新的家庭成员,一定要先看看他们.They will make sure to find the right fit for you!
  • 育空市是一个强大的城市, 面向家庭的社区24人,000 residents who strive to be the best. 我们有安全的社区, 犯罪率低, 优秀的学校, quality medical care and strong values. 我们有小城镇的魅力,有许多购物和餐饮设施共同的大都市地区. Our towering iconic flour mill has proclaimed for over a century, "育空河's Best Flour" and conveys our desire to do and be the best. 育空地区位于俄克拉荷马城的西部边界,位于40号州际公路上. The historic Route 66 runs through downtown. 基尔帕特里克收费公路就在附近. 欢迎来到育空的Best.
  • 育空是俄克拉荷马城地铁的一个卧室社区,是一个非常适合居住的小镇. I found this town to have many conveniences, but still gives a feeling of being in the country away from the big city. 育空地区的经济增长呈爆炸式增长,许多新住房如雨后春笋般出现在各个收入阶层. 豪华行政风格的房子,首次购房者的房子可以选择从育空地区的几个地区!

    育空米勒橄榄球队以其优异而稳定的战绩征服了他们的城镇. The faithful attendees keep coming back for more every season. The high schools are really nice and the town is festive during all sports. 说到季节, 育空地区的节日是冬季的仙境,街道上装饰着五颜六色的灯光, 家家户户和小镇欢度圣诞节.

    Definitely, check out 育空河 as a place to live. It's easy to travel between towns such as 埃德蒙 by Turnpike, or 俄克拉荷马城 Metro by Interstate 40. 享受!




    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73142


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73116


    育空河, OK 73099


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73120